Our Staff

Our Staff

I've been married for 15 years to my love of my life. His name is Adam without Adam. The shop would not exist. He is my Ying to my Yang when it comes to making this studio happen exist.. We have 2 beautiful children Kimberly in Thomas RR worlds. We also have 2 pit bulls ghost in Delilah and we also have the trio of male cats Bliss 7 years old, Beau3, And Boris3 the 3 non Everlost or missed a meal in their entire livesfollowed by Buttercup kitty3yrs . She actually think she's one of the pit bulls. She's not a fan of her 3 fellow Fur lines. 

We purchased our home in 20 team. It is a beautiful 200 year old farmhouse in the city of Belding Michigan. I love my farmhouse I love my community.

My husband also has a job at Mejjer where he has been for about 7and a 1/2 years.